
Lessons From British Economic History: In Conversation with Gary Cox

What are the origins of constrained government? How did globalisation influence politics in Victorian Britain, and are there lessons for modern times? In this episode of the Governance Podcast, Gary Cox (Stanford) sits down with Anton Howes (King’s College London) to discuss his corpus of research in economic history and political economy from 17th through the 19th centuries.


Radical Solutions to Liberal Problems: In Conversation with Lea Ypi

Modern political life is fraught with difficult choices: cosmopolitanism or statism? Liberalism or socialism? Where do these debates stand and can political theorists help us choose? In this episode of the Governance Podcast, Carmen Pavel (King’s College London) sits down with Lea Ypi (LSE) for a conversation about the fundamental role of politics and radical democracy in current affairs.


What’s Wrong With Democracy? A Conversation with Larry Bartels

Larry Bartels and Chris Achen argue that we have a romanticised view of democracy. How is democracy letting us down and what can we do to reverse course? In this episode of the Governance Podcast, Sam DeCanio of CSGS sits down with Larry Bartels to discuss his book with Chris Achen, Democracy for Realists: Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government.


Unipolarity and International Politics: In Conversation with Nuno Monteiro

When does political violence result in stability and order? Does realist IR theory help us understand war and peace? Will the international arena remain unipolar for long? Join us for our latest conversation on the Governance Podcast between Samuel DeCanio (King’s College London) and Nuno Monteiro, Director of International Security Studies and Associate Professor of Political Science at Yale University.


Morality in Bureaucracy: In Conversation with Bernardo Zacka

What do the working conditions of street-level bureaucrats tell us about the nature of democratic governance? What new moral questions do we start asking when political theorists go into the field? Join us for the latest conversation on the Governance Podcast between John Meadowcroft (King’s College London) and Bernardo Zacka (MIT) on Zacka’s new book: When the State Meets the Street: Public Service and Moral Agency.